Order Cancellation
Do you want to cancel your order?
You can cancel your order within 15 minutes from the order being confirmed (the option will be available in the MY ORDERS tab). Customer Service also cannot cancel orders after the 15 minute period.
If you wanted to cancel your order but it was too late, we suggest doing the following:
- After the order has been sent, you can refuse to collect the parcel from the courier (it will be returned to us and your money will be refunded).
- After you have received the parcel, you can create a returns form within 30 days from the date of delivery and return the items back to us.
Why was my order cancelled?
Orders may sometimes get cancelled because of the following factors:
- lack of finalising payment,
- an error in communication between the payment system and our database,
- item going out of stock during checkout.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If the desired items are still available, we recommend placing a new order.
If an item is out of stock on our website, we recommend doing the following:
- Use the 'Notify me when available' option. You will be notified by e-mail when an item will be back in stock. Important! Please remember that everyone who signed up to be notified receives an e-mail informing them about an item being back in stock, this means that sometimes items can be sold out once again before you are able to finalise a purchase.
- Check availability in store. Please choose the desired size and the website will show you whether it's available in one of our local London stores.