
What should I do if my order still hasn't arrived or some items from the order are missing?

It's already been more than the expected delivery period?

Please check the tracking number provided to see where your parcel is, maybe the courier has already tried to deliver it twice with no success and the parcel is on its way back to us. If this is the case then unfortunately there is nothing much than can be done, it is not possible to redirect the parcel. Once we receive this back, a refund will be processed automatically. It is recommended to place a new order.

In the case of other tracking statuses, please contact our Customer Service either by chat, contact form or phone.


Did you receive your order but some items were missing?

If some items from your order were missing, please contact our Customer Service immediately in order to verify this, either by chat, contact form or by phone.

Privacy Policy Update!

We are constantly looking for new solutions to better respond to your expectations when using our Service. We respect your privacy and care about the protection of your information, so in connection with updating the operation of the Service, we ask you to read the new version of the Privacy Policy, where we present the principles of handling personal data, the scope of their processing and the rights and obligations you have in this connection.

Policy privacy

Privacy policy

  1. The administrator of your personal data (hereinafter: PDA) is: LPP S.A. based in Gdańsk, ul. Łąkowa 39/44 KRS No. 0000000778;
  2. You can contact the Data Protection Officer (hereinafter: DPO) at the e-mail address: or by conventional mail to PDA's address indicated above.
  3. For matters concerning your personal data, you can contact
  4. Your personal data will be processed on the basis of your explicit consent for the purpose of sending you commercial information (newsletter) on current special offers, news about products and services of brands belonging to LPP ( Reserved, House, Sinsay, Mohito, Cropp).
  5. Your personal data will be processed until you withdraw your consent to the newsletter subscription.
  6. If you are a registered user of our online store, you can manage your consent in the "My account" section.